Healthy Super Shake
March 20, 2009
A recipe for the "healthiest" meal replacement on the planet with great metabolism-boosting power. You can substitute your favorite juice or skim milk for the Green Tea
Put everything in a blender and mix for 1 minute:
1 CUP GREEN TEA This no-calorie beverage has been shown to boost metabolism. (I brew a 1/2 cup and add 5 ice cubes so that it well chilled when I add it to the blender)
1 SCOOP CHOCOLATE (or VANILLA) PROTEIN POWDER I like the Whey Protein from Whole Foods
1 TBSP GROUND FLAXSEED Flaxseed is a healthy fat that's been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure in lab animals. Buy it preground at a health-food store.
1/2 CUP FROZEN RASPBERRIES, BLUEBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, OR STRAWBERRIES Packed with disease-fighting anti-oxidants, these fiber-filled fruits are three of the best foods known to man.
1 TBSP ALMONDS Research shows that adding one or two handfuls of nuts to your daily diet reduces your risk of heart disease without leading to weight gain.
1 TBSP GREENS+ The nutrient equivalent of six servings of fruits and vegetables a day, it's the best-kept secret in supplements Available at Whole Foods or online ($19 for 4.7 oz;
1 TBSP AGAVE NECTAR A great low glycemic index sweetner
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